Judges, Crown Prosecutors and Psychiatrists Attack Innocent Canadians; Labelling “Mental Illness” Without Proof by ©Robert Erickson

by ©Robert Erickson

There is a growing trend across Canada, whereby Judges, Prosecutors and their clandestine, stigmatic “expert” psychologists, all work together in an attempt to label, defame and charter-assassinate those who stand up for justice, express their political views or blow the proverbial “whistle” against those in positions of power, who abuse their positions.

My job as an Investigator and International Reporter is to expose these injustices and bring awareness to the public, so that Human Rights Violations and criminal activity performed by those nefarious actors in positions of power shall not continue; as I too have become a victim.

Let’s start with Crown Prosecutor Geoff McDonald’s Initial Sentencing Position that was “drawn-up” by Mr. McDonald the day after I was falsely arrested. In the document you will observe the acronym “PSR”. For those of you who are unfamiliar with this term, I provide the meaning here: Crown Counsel Procedure PSR Requests and Crown Counsel Procedure Court Ordered PSRs and Can Judge’s Order an Assessment of the Accuseds Mental Condition for the Purposes of Sentencing Without Accused Consent. The questions that need to be answered are:

  • Why does Crown intend to request a Psychological/Psychiatric Assessment exactly one (1) day after my arrest, before receiving all the evidence?
  • Why did Crown perform this action without receiving any medical files to substantiate such an action?

I’m not the only person in McBride B.C. that Crown Prosecutor McDonald attacked. Mr Frank Frost is also a victim of McDonald’s labeling and character-profiling/assassination attempt. Here is Crown Prosecutor Geoff McDonald’s Initial Sentencing Position for Frank Frost. The same police officers who arrested me (Berndsen and Kennedy), falsely arrested Frost as well, as he too stood up for justice, accountability and transparency. In McDonald’s Sentencing Position against Frost, you see the same tactics used. McDonald’s position “Mental Health Issues” was signed the same day Frost was arrested. This begs to question:

  • Is McDonald’s Standard Operating Procedure to label everyone falsely arrested as suffering from Mental Health Issues?
  • How many others has McDonald labeled as suffering Mental Health Issues?
  • Is McDonald qualified to make that assumption?
  • What is McDonald’s intentions?

The story gets deeper. As you read through this entire blogsite there is plenty of evidence (and plenty more being revealed daily) to prove the RCMP coerced my ex-partner to initiate false charges and arrest against me under false, proof-less assumptions to steal my belongings and wealth, while at the same time aid and abet my ex-partner, obstruct justice and protect her from incrimination, in their attempt to force me into a “penniless situation”. During the third (3rd) false arrest, I received the following: Geoff McDonald’s Ridiculous Third Initial Sentencing Position. As you can see, McDonald continues to defame, profile, label and character-assassinate me in an attempt to throw me into a Mental Institution for a “Medical Assessment” and fed poisonous psychotropic drugs, with no substantiated proof, evidence, facts, qualifications or medical records to justify his ridiculous position. Notwithstanding, McDonald and the RCMP is also coercing my ex-partner to testify against me as a person suffering from a “mental illness”. The following telephone recording is one of many witnesses who are coming forward testifying about the collusion between my ex-partner, the RCMP, Crown Council Geoff McDonald and Provincial Court Judge D.H. Weatherly.

After listening to the telephone conversation with a pertinent witness, many questions beg to be answered such as:

  • Why did the RCMP arrest me when my ex-partner has no evidence, witnesses or proof to substantiate her charges against me?
  • Why is my ex-partner attempting to convince people that I suffer from paranoid schizophrenia, when she is not qualified?
  • Why is Judge D.H. Weatherly, Geoff McDonald, the RCMP and my ex-partner colluding together in a plan to send me for a psych evaluation, force me into a mental institution and force poisonous psychotropic drugs down my throat?
  • Why did my ex-partner have her ex-husband (David Smith) arrested for the same accusations back in 2007-2008?
  • Why is the Ministry of Social Development providing my ex-partner with social benefits, when they are fully aware that my ex-partner collects rent from her sons TJ and Josh Smith?
  • Why is the Ministry of Social Development providing my ex-partner with social benefits, when they are aware she is in possession of approximately $8000.00 in stolen cash and approximately $125,000.00 in stolen gold and silver bullion?
  • Why did my ex-partner send a “friend request” to me on Facebook?
  • Why did my ex-partner send me an email explaining she was writing a letter to Judge D.H. Weatherly?
  • Why has neither Judge D.H. Weatherly or Crown Prosecutor Geoff McDonald disclosed this letter as evidence to the defence?
  • Why did it take the RCMP eight (8) days to arrest me?
  • Why did they arrest me just days before the trial?
  • Why is my ex-partner attacking me and confessing that I’ve never done her any harm?

Here Michelle Attempt’s Facebook Friend Request on October 25th, 2013. According to the Bail Conditions I am not supposed to have any contact or communication either directly or indirectly with my ex-partner.

  • Why is my ex-partner trying to make contact with me?
  • Why did the Court impose Bail Conditions to not have any contact or communications either directly or indirectly with my ex-partner?
  • Is my ex-partner being coerced by the Crown and RCMP to lure me into a Breach of Bail so they can create further charges and arrest me?
  • Why did Judge Gray force me to sign the Bail of Recognizance and threaten to send me back to prison if I didn’t?

On September 28th, 2013, I received this email Letter to Judge Weatherly Email From Michelle from my ex-partner.

  • Why is my ex-partner sending Judge Weatherly a letter?
  • Why haven’t I received a copy of this letter?
  • What is the intention of the letter?
  • Why is my ex-partner seeing a psychologist?
  • Why is the psychologist directing my ex-partner to send a letter to Judge Weatherly?
  • Why does my ex-partner say in the email that she loves me, cares for me and doesn’t want me to go to jail, right after she colluded with the RCMP, who charged me, imprisoned me and aided and abetted her to steal my belongings, truck and wealth?

Furthermore, if you scroll down further on this page, under the title “The Authoritarian Agenda”, you will come across a couple of youtube video’s entitled: “Call to Barrier Medical Clinic” and “Call to Dr. Klien Office”, in those video’s/call’s I attempted to contact my previous doctor’s offices to retrieve past medical files. Interestingly enough, it just so happens that my medical files disappeared and weren’t delivered to me when I requested the files. On October 23rd, 2013, I appeared at the Prince George Ministry of Social Development inquiring about re-reinstating my disability benefits and the “worker” explained to me my files are all destroyed.

  • Why did Dr. Owega make unqualified false accusations against me?
  • Why are my medical files missing?
  • Why did the Ministry of Social Development destroy my files?
  • Why is Judge Weatherly, Judge Gray, Geoff McDonald, RCMP and other individuals attacking me, covering-up, keeping me isolated and planning to send me to a mental institution for a “psych evaluation?

The following article Graphic Court Video Shows Prison Guards Deploying Pepper Spray on Mentally Ill Inmate is a shocking revelation of what transpires inside mental institutions.

  • Why are patients being forced involuntarily to ingest psychotropic drugs and if they refuse, why do the guards pepper-spray them?
  • Why is there a growing mentally ill prison population?
  • Why is there 30,000 “alleged” mentally ill prisoners being represented by lawyers in cases of excessive use of force by guards in the State of California?
  • Why did the Corrections Department issue a statement saying the process is only done to keep inmates “from harming themselves or others…”?

That last question raises serious concerns in the R. vs. White Case (Erickson) due to the fact, it was the exact same statement (excuse) used by Cst. Berndsen as his reason for leaving the handcuffs cranked around my wrists while I was incarcerated.

RCMP Involvement in Burglary, Obstruction of Justice, Aiding & Abetting a Criminal, Theft, False Arrest and False Imprisonment by ©Robert Erickson

Full text of Mike Duffy’s statement to the Senate Monday: ‘That’s right, senators, there was not ONE payment on my behalf, but two!’ | National Post.


By ©Robert Erickson

In the Senate scandal, it proves that even at the highest echelon of governance, where the Prime Minister’s Office (PMO) paid for the Senator’s over-expenditures and lawyer’s fees at taxpayer expense, as a benefit for the Senator to keep his mouth shut. That may have been what the Senator understood in the beginning but as the evidence started to unfold, the Senator soon realized he was used as a pawn, patsy and scapegoat to shift the blame away from the Prime Ministers Office.

Do you suppose the accusers attacking me paid off witnesses with some form of benefit to testify against me? Was my partner coerced to testify against me? Why wasn’t I arrested on August 14th, 2013, the day my partner lodged a complaint of false charges against me? Why did my accusers wait 8 days to arrest me? Did my accusers use that time to collude, train and coerce my partner in order for them to perpetrate and coordinate their devious plan of set-up and entrapment by locking me up in prison under false unsubstantiated charges? Did my accusers coordinate their effort so they could use her to fabricate false charges, aid and abet her to steal my wealth, property, vehicle and belongings while they falsely imprisoned me?

The following video is Cpl. Kennedy making his first attempt to collude, persuade and coordinate a plan with my partner on March 18th, 2013. Why did my accusers contact my mother as well? Why are they so desperate to contact those who are close to me?

The next video is Cst. Berndsen colluding with my neighbor Grant Hansma on May 1st, 2013. It appears item(s) exchanged hands. After Cst Berndsen left the scene, I attempted to engage in conversation with Mr. Hansma and question him why he was speaking to Cst. Berndsen. Mr. Handsma refused to give an explanation and quickly disappeared. What was Berndsen doing there? Why was he speaking with Hansma? What item(s) exchanged hands? Why did Handsma refuse to give and explanation, not want to speak with me and disappear so quickly? Why did Berndsen start laughing as he left the scene? And what did he write in his notebook?

In the next video filmed July 7th, 2013, my partner gets caught red-handed colluding with the RCMP.

The next video is filmed on August 13th, 2013, exactly one (1) day prior to when the RCMP secretly collude with my partner. On August 14th, 2013, the RCMP, my partner and other individuals, orchestrate a plan to set-up, entrap and arrest me with fabricated charges. This video represents numerous times the RCMP locked me out of the Police Detachment in an effort to arrest me for Breach of Bail. Their plan was foiled this time, so they tried another approach and were successful falsely arresting me on a different occasion. Why is the RCMP so adamant with their attempts to fabricate false charges against me? Why do they want to keep putting me in prison? Do the RCMP have a vendetta against me?

The next video is filmed on August 19th, 2013, and filmed five (5) days after the RCMP, my partner and other individuals already coordinated their efforts orchestrating their devious plan to arrest me. You can actually hear my partner in the background pretending as if she has no idea what is going on, pretending she isn’t involved in any part of it and pretending to be supportive with the camera surveillance. In the video is Cst. Knezacek colluding with the same neighbors Cst. Fox was colluding with on April 8th, 2013, the night of the gunshot incident. Why is the RCMP speaking to my neighbors? Why do they constantly speak with them? Why is my partner pretending to not know what is happening? Why did Cst. Fox speak to them the night of the gun-shot incident? Why isn’t Crown Prosecutor and Judge D.H. Weatherly disclosing the evidence of the gun-shot incidence? Did the gun-shot blast come from Linda Kelly’s (Hart) property? Did the neighbors in the red house collude with the RCMP in an effort to call 9-1-1 and blame me for the gun-shot? Why doesn’t the Crown disclose to the Defence the 9-1-1 recording and transcript for evidence. Is the Crown trying to protect their complicit witnesses by Obstructing Justice?

The next video is a continuation of the last one. Why is my partner pretending to be supportive and interested in the video surveillance investigation, when five (5) days earlier she secretly reported false allegations, statements and charges against me to the RCMP? My partners actions are reminiscent of the exact same actions performed by Mr. Frank Frost’s partner against him. This evidence is revealed in an interview under the heading R. vs. Frost at the top of this page. What form of benefit did the RCMP offer our partners to lodge false, fabricated testimonies against us? Mr. Frost reveals that his partner was given $50,000.00. In my case, the RCMP aided and abetted my partner to steal and abscond with my personal security safes which contained approximately $125,000.00 in gold and silver bullion and approximately $8,000.00 in cash. Is that the motive and intent the RCMP used to coerce our partners against us?

Finally, on August 22nd, 2013 the RCMP arrived at my doorstep to arrest me. Why didn’t Cpl. Kennedy or Cst. Knezacek tell me who pressed the charges against me when I ask them? Why wouldn’t they let me get dressed and put on some shoes? Was it because they wanted to slam me in prison as fast as possible so they could aid and abet my partner to loot my house, steal my money, steal my truck and anything else she could get her hands on that same day? Obviously so, otherwise my partner wouldn’t had the time to make a clean getaway as evidenced in the Port Mann Toll Bill 23.08.2013 where my partner crossed the Port Mann Bridge at 9:06pm on August 23rd, 2013, in my stolen truck with all my stolen possessions. It takes nine (9) hours to drive to Vancouver, which means my partner (aided by the RCMP) must have left McBride at approximately 12-0-Clock (noon) the day after I was arrested. Was my partner used as a pawn, patsy and scapegoat by the RCMP, such as what’s occurring to our Senator and instigated by the Prime Ministers Office? Is this another attempt by the RCMP and their minions to shift blame of their wrong-doings? Was this a complete set-up and entrapment orchestrated by the RCMP and their cohorts?….without question! Does the camera lie?….I think not!  Why does Judge D.H. Weatherly and the Crown refuse to accept my evidence on record in Court? Are they afraid it will create severe public embarrassment to Government Official’s and themselves?….probably.

I have received incriminating evidence against the accusers from multiple witnesses (who’s names will remain anonymous at this time) and will post a portion of the evidence as close as possible to November 8th, 2013 Court Appearance in McBride B.C. As the plot orchestrated against me begins to unfold, the truth shall be revealed.

[Update] I never had the opportunity to post the aforementioned incriminating evidence against my accusers, due to the fact I was once again arbitrarily and unlawfully gated with another round of false, fabricated charges on November 5th, 2013, three days prior to the November 8th, 2013 Court appearance and my announcement of posting evidence for the public to see the truth. This unlawful deed/obstruction of justice performed by Crown Prosecutor Geoff McDonald and McBride RCMP members was for the purpose of preventing me from exposing the evidence, preventing me from having access to the evidence for the upcoming trial and permanently keeping me in prison, so I couldn’t properly defend myself until after the trial. In 1983, the Supreme Court of Canada ruled Gating is illegal and a violation of Human Rights. However, now that I’m released, it will be a pleasure to post the evidence as time permits.

Exposing Further Corruption of McBride RCMP & the Commission for Public Complaints Against the RCMP by ©Robert Erickson

by ©Robert Erickson

In this series of correspondence between myself (Robert Erickson-White), RCMP Commissioner Bob Paulson, Commission for Public Complaints Against the RCMP, Ombudsman Office for the Department of National Defence and Canadian Forces and Cpl. Kennedy of McBride RCMP,  I shall demonstrate how cops protect cops during an investigation against one of their own brethren, and the corruption within the Commission for Public Complaints Against the RCMP.

Here you will see the First Notice sent to RCMP Commissioner Bob Paulson First Notice and Complaint to RCMP Commissioner Bob Paulson on November 23rd, 2012, addressing a formal complaint against McBride RCMP member Cst. Peter Berndsen. By no surprise, I never received a reply from the questionably esteemed Commissioner Bob Paulson. Instead, I received this Letter from Sarah Robertson 03.12.2012, Intake Officer for the Commission for Public Complaints Against the RCMP dated December 3rd, 2012.

I received this First Letter from Cpl. Kennedy  and this Second Letter from Cpl. Kennedy and this Third Letter from Cpl. Kennedy, followed by my reply Reply to Cpl. Kennedy’s Third Letter. The first subject I address, is the fact that never at any time did Cpl. Kennedy inform me about the status of the investigation at regular intervals. Never at any time did Cpl. Kennedy address my concerns within the reply I sent in regards to his third letter. What is he hiding? What is the RCMP trying to muzzle and cover-up? Why do the RCMP never reply to my letters and Notices? These questions raise SERIOUS CONCERNS as to the competence and merit of the RCMP.

In the Fourth Letter from Cpl. Kennedy, you will notice the format of the letter from Cpl. Kennedy is opposite to his previous letters and now has a security classification designation. In my Reply to Kennedy’s Fourth Letter, I address my serious concerns which Kennedy failed to respond, refute, reply or rebut. It appears he is using the Fourth Letter to send to the Commission for Public Complaints Against the RCMP, and most likely none of his previous correspondences or any of my correspondences is included.

In the Fifth Letter from Cpl. Kennedy, you will notice Kennedy attempts to mention I will be kept informed of the investigation and updated every 30 days and given a progress report. NEVER at any time throughout the investigation (if there truly was an investigation) did I receive any of the aforementioned information Kennedy alleges. In my Reply to Kennedy’s Fifth Letter, once again, I never received a reply from Cpl. Kennedy and never at any time did Kennedy address, refute or rebut my concerns.

In the Sixth Letter from Cpl. Kennedy and Seventh Letter from Cpl. Kennedy you see the same unfulfilled, unsubstantiated promises. My Reply to Kennedy’s Seventh and Final Letter Received, is the last letter I sent to Cpl. Kennedy and is my reply to the Sixth and Seventh (final) segments of correspondences received from Cpl. Kennedy, to which, once again, I never received any report, reply, response, refute or rebuttal

Furthermore, after the false arrest, incrimination and humiliation I received during the false charges of Breach of Bail Conditions occurring on June 25th, 2013, I lodged a Second Complaint Against Cst. Berndsen and First Complaint Against Cpl. Kennedy, and received this Reply from Commission for Public Complaints Against RCMP from another individual named Michael Blackburn, who intercepted my Formal Complaint sent to Ms. Sarah Robertson. I responded to Mr. Blackburn’s letter with a Second Notice to RCMP Complaints Commission and received a Reply from Michael Blackburn which is nothing more than a refusal of the Commission for Public Complaints Against the RCMP to accept my Formal Complaint lodged against Cpl. Kennedy and Second Formal Complaint lodged against Cst. Berndsen.

Moreover, I received a Letter from Robert Bouchard Intake Officer of the Federal Ombudsman Office for the Department of National Defence (DND) and Canadian Forces (CF), in regards to my Complaints against the RCMP. What you see here provides evidence of another example of the refusal for the proper authorities to intervene and do the job they are commissioned to do, to serve and protect the citizens of Canada. Do you feel safe if you complaint to the proper authorities, and those authorities refuse to reconcile or remedy a situation of SERIOUS CONCERNS, and those in authority who refuse to investigate those who refuse? Where is the Justice? And why all the refusal and cover-up’s?

McBride RCMP Cpl. Kennedy and Cst. Knezacek Obstructing Justice by ©Robert Erickson

By ©Robert Erickson

In the series of ten (10) videos below, I provide evidence of RCMP Members Cpl. Barry Kennedy and Cst. Knezacek colluding together and obstructing justice, as I made numerous attempts to report my home burglarized, my possessions (including my truck) which was stolen by Ms. Michelle Irene MacDonald. When I returned home from Prince George Regional Correctional Center (PGRCC), I found my truck stolen, house ransacked and burglarized with numerous items (including two (2) personal security safes and all their contents). It is already well known and evidenced Cpl.Kennedy, Elizabeth de Vries (Kennedy’s common law) and Mark Froese aided and abetted Ms. Michelle MacDonald to have me arrested on unsubstantiated, false fabricated criminal charges, while colluding together assisting Ms. MacDonald with the theft of my property while I was incarcerated in PGRCC on false charges they fabricated against me.

I was released from PGRCC on August 26th, 2013 and arrived in McBride late that evening. As soon as I entered my home, I recorded on video all the crimes that took place by the aforementioned individuals. Furthermore, I attempted to report these crimes to the McBride and Squamish RCMP, and recorded the numerous conversations in the series of videos below. The following day on August 27th, 2013, I was required to report to the McBride RCMP Detachment according to the Bail of Recognizance. Once again, the RCMP station was locked as Cpl. Kennedy was avoiding me and my effort to report a crime (burglary, auto theft, etc.) along with the fact he was once again preventing me from reporting as per bail conditions, in another attempt to arrest me for Breach of Bail.

All the while, as you will witness in the final video, Cpl. Kennedy was in attendance and on duty at the McBride Detachment, while refusing to allow me to enter the Detachment and sign in according to bail, refusing to press criminal charges against Ms. MacDonald and another effort to entrap and arrest me for of Breach of Bail.

Moreover, in the final video, I called the McBride RCMP Detachment and found that Kennedy had my calls redirected to Prince George Dispatch. It was obvious Kennedy was avoiding me. The male individual I spoke with said there was no need for me to report to the RCMP station and admitted he was speaking with Kennedy. Cpl. Kennedy assumed I left the Government office and went home, because minutes later, Kennedy arrived at the Government office and began speaking with Ms. Edith Tracy (government service employee). Kennedy didn’t notice I was still in the Government office and was shocked when I approached him. I asked Kennedy why he was avoiding me and his response was: “I have to do whatever is necessary when you have my back against the wall”.

During the conversation, Kennedy agreed and accepted the fact he allowed Ms. MacDonald to enter the McBride Prison Cell Booking Area while I was incarcerated for the false, fabricated Breach of Bail charge, witnessed me giving Ms. MacDonald the combinations to the safes and password for my computer and provided the paper, pencil and envelope allowing me to write the information for Ms. MacDonald. This entire conversation was witnessed by Ms. Edith Tracy and can verify the conversation took place. The very friendly, goodhearted and outgoing Ms. Edith Tracy was kind enough to provide a letter of my attendance on August 27th, 2013, included in the post here: Letter from Edith Tracy 27.08.2013

So there we go people; another pile of evidence and witnesses proving that the McBride RCMP are nothing but criminals. I now ask the public to stand up and force the RCMP to be accountable for their crimes. It is not only Mr. Frank Frost and I who have been targeted as villians by the RCMP and Government officials, it is thousands, if not tens of thousands, possibly millions of other Canadians and people around the earth who are victimized by the people we elected into powerful positions. It is time we all stand up and hold the true criminals accountable for their crimes.

The above 911 telephone conversation was placed immediately after my release from PGRCC upon my return home. The RCMP dispatcher spoke of Cpl. Kennedy’s intent to contact me first thing in the morning concerning the burglary and theft of my personal possessions, including my vehicle. Cpl. Kennedy never contacted me, completely avoided contact and never followed up with the case file or charges against Ms. MacDonald.

The above telephone conversation was placed to ICBC in relation to cancelling the insurance on my stolen vehicle. The ICBC representative advised me not to cancel the insurance due to the possibility of personal accidental liability of Ms. MacDonald. I was unaware of Ms. MacDonald’s intentions of possibly forging my signature on transfer papers to take title and escaping to the U.S.A. and stashing the vehicle with her relatives outside Canadian Jurisdiction.

The above telephone conversation was placed to the Squamish RCMP in relation to the fact, I had reason to believe Ms. MacDonald escaped with my stolen vehicle, possessions and was harboring them in Squamish. The Squamish Detachment officer on duty requested an RCMP file number. I explained to the member I registered the burglary and stolen vehicle with McBride RCMP and was not provided a file number. The Squamish RCMP should have opened a file at their end, but failed to do so and the McBride RCMP should have open a file and failed to do so as well. The fact remains, both the Squamish and McBride RCMP Detachments aided, abetted and harbored Ms. MacDonald as a thief and fugitive.

The phone call above is another attempt to register the burglary and vehicle theft at the McBride Detachment to get a file number. It proves the RCMP did not follow the procedure of law, register my vehicle stolen, register the home burglary, nor were they willing to do so at anytime.

The above phone call is my attempt to call Cpl. Kennedy. In the previous videos, the RCMP dispatcher informed me Cpl. Kennedy would be contacting me first thing in the morning. Cpl. Kennedy failed to do so, so I attempted to contact him in the afternoon. Cpl. Kennedy failed to contact me and was avoiding me at all costs. This evidence blatantly proves Cpl. Kennedy obstructing justice.

The above phone call is a courtesy call for Cpl. Kennedy to pass a message to Ms. MacDonald of my intent to remove the insurance from my stolen vehicle.

In the above phone conversation, I continue my attempt to register the burglary and theft. The RCMP hung up the phone.  The dispatcher admits relaying messages of my calls to Cpl. Kennedy on numerous occasions. Cpl. Kennedy never contacted me.

In the above video, I once again phoned McBride RCMP from the McBride Government office. minutes prior to this phone call I  returned from the McBride Detachment to speak with Cpl. Kennedy. While I was at the McBride Detachment, Cpl. Kennedy’s police cruiser was parked and running at the Detachment. The public door at the Detachment was locked and the phone outside was inoperable once again. Cpl. Kennedy never returned my call.

In the above video I called Bail Supervisor Paul Weisbrodt to inform him that Cpl. Kennedy once again locked the public door to the McBride RCMP Detachment, preventing me  reporting as per Bail Conditions, preventing me reporting a burglary, theft and stolen vehicle.

In the above video, I called the McBride RCMP Detachment again to speak with Cpl. Kennedy and was forwarded to police dispatch in PG. The male dispatcher admits he spoke with Cpl. Kennedy and admitted Cpl. Kennedy was not at the McBride Detachment. The fact remains, it appears Cpl. Kennedy was at the Detachment, purposefully locked the public door, disconnected the outside telephone, refused to speak to me, refused to register a file for burglary and theft, refused to allow me to sign in according to Bail Conditions and retrieve a copy of the “sign in sheet” to prove I was there.

Corrupt Government Officials Exposed by ©Robert Erickson


Stalking, Collusion’s, Abuses, Repressions and Entrapment’s

By ©Robert Erickson

July 31st, 2013

On August 31st, 2010, I arrived at my new home in McBride, B.C.. Approximately one month later, Mr. Bob Rowan arrived and couldn’t help but notice the fancy siding attached to a garage, owned by my neighbor Ms. Linda Kelly a.k.a. Linda Hart, who was landscaping in her backyard that day. As we approached Ms. Kelly, enquiring about the siding, she became reprehensible and vexatious towards us. Afterwards, I discovered Ms. Kelly suffers a Mental Disorder and her son was recently convicted of First Degree Murder. That explains her hostility and rude attitude.

On or about April 22nd, 2011, as I was cleaning my backyard and burning organic debris in a regulation fire pit, I noticed Ms. Kelly sitting in her Jeep Cherokee, staring at me for approximately 5 minutes and then drove off in haste while giving me the “finger”. Moments later, approximately four (4) members of the McBride Volunteer Fire Department arrived, explaining Ms. Kelly filed a complaint against me. The FD requested me to extinguish the fire, I complied and they left. Minutes later, a member of the FD arrived again, explaining that Ms. Kelly filed another complaint. The FD member realized there was no danger, shook his head in frustration and drove off. Moments later, Ms. Kelly approached me, yelling obscenities and threatened to “kick my ass and kill me”.

It is evident Ms. Kelly wants to establish power and control over a new resident. It is clear Ms. Kelly’s psychopathology reverts to bullying, harassing, stalking and intimidation in order to obtain the sinister results she desires to control others. The actions established by Ms. Kelly substantiate a clear intent of abuse, coercion, discredit, hatred, insanity, malicious mischief, manipulation, personal revenge, etc.

On or about April 25th, 2011, twice I phoned the McBride RCMP to report the aforementioned abuses by Ms. Kelly and received busy signals. On or about April 26th, 2011, at the McBride Trading Company, I reported the abuses to Cst. Peter Berndsen of the RCMP and requested he respond to my complaint. Cst Berndsen never addressed or responded to my complaint concerning Ms. Kelly’s threats. It appears Cst. Berndsen did not believe my complaint was serious and did not follow the procedure of law. The inaction by Cst. Berndsen is an abuse of process and obstruction of justice.

On or about July 15th, 2011, Mr. Darvin Goodkey began dumping aggregate on my property. The chemically treated aggregate was obtained from LDM, a company subcontracted by the Department of Highways. Mr. Goodkey was hired to build a driveway by the couple whom recently rented the property next door: Ms. Rose Sutter and Ms. Linda Mosdell. Mr. Goodkey, Ms. Sutter and Ms. Mosdell ignored my request to produce any building or variance permits. Mr. Goodkey was rude, disrespectful and obnoxious towards me, due to the fact, he is friends with Ms. Kelly, and obviously prejudice against me.

After being ignored by the aforementioned trio, I walked to the Village District Office, filed a formal complaint with Ms. Glenda Thompson (customer service rep), requested copies of work orders, variance permits and all paperwork relating to the driveway project under construction. Ms. Thompson did not provide me with any requested documents, nor did she acknowledge receiving any permit applications from Ms. Anne Schwartz (property owner), Mr. Goodkey, Ms. Sutter or Ms. Mosdell.

Upon my return home, I was approached by Cst. Berndsen of the RCMP, who started interrogating me. Mr. Goodkey phoned the RCMP, alleging I threatened him with violence and tried to have me arrested. No charges were laid against me by Cst. Berndsen, as it was obvious Mr. Goodkey’s allegations were made under false pretences. Mr. Goodkey concocted a scheme, in an attempt to get me arrested and shift the attention from his wrong-doing. Cst. Berndsen colluded with Mr. Goodkey, Ms. Sutter and Ms. Mosdell, and interrogated me in a coercive attempt of self incrimination, while intentionally aware of the fact there was no proof or witnesses to support Mr. Goodkey’s preposterous claim.

On or about Friday July 22nd, 2011, in the morning hours, rainwater had leached from the neighbours illegally constructed driveway and flooded my property. Ms. Sutter made every attempt to cover up, hide and disperse the evidence of water damages, by attempting to syphon off the water pooled on and around my property. Minutes later, Mr. Travis Wall (Corporation of McBride Yard Works employee and MCBVFD volunteer) arrived in a front end loader and proceeded to load the area in front of my house with chemically treated dirt from LDM, in an attempt to aid Ms. Sutter and Ms. Mosdell. While I was photographing this cover-up and collusion, as I took pictures of Mr. Wall, he lowered the bucket on the loader in a way to hide his face. It was obvious Mr. Wall didn’t want his face in the picture, because he felt ashamed for aiding and abetting Ms. Sutter and Ms. Mosdell in an attempt to cover up and hide the damages. It is evident Ms. Sutter and Ms. Mosdell phoned Mr. Wall requesting his help to cover up their wrong-doing.

On or about Saturday August 13th, 2011, Mr. Jeff and Mrs. Lori Wagner were aggressively accosted verbally by Ms. Kelly, in the alleyway behind my property. While Mr. Wagner’s work truck was parked in the alleyway directly behind my property, Ms. Kelly scratched the word “Asshole” into the paint of Mr. Wagner’s truck. Ms. Kelly attacked my friends, wrecked their property, and clearly expressed her intent to make my friends lives and my life miserable. Ms. Kelly performs these heinous acts in an attempt to entice me to act out and retaliate against her. By acting in this manner, Ms. Kelly enjoys making other peoples lives miserable, to give her a sense of superiority, satisfaction, justifiability and removing any personal guilt for her wrong-doing.

The female couple Ms. Sutter and Ms. Mosdell, ordered a second dump truck load of contaminated aggregate dumped on their newly constructed driveway. They used the aggregate to bury the bottom section of the new fence I constructed and paid for, which separates our properties and is adjacent to my vegetable garden. This intentionally malicious act to destroy my private property, (and possibly my health) performed by Ms. Sutter and Ms. Mosdell was a trap to antagonize and frustrate me into retaliation. They attempted to entice me to act out against them, so they could phone RCMP member Cst. Berndsen and coerce him to press criminal charges against me.

Ms. Sutter and Ms. Mosdell phoned the RCMP and tried to have me arrested, alleging I cut the electrical cord connected to their vehicle. Cst. Nathan Fox arrived on the scene, inspected the electrical cord and informed the couple the electrical cord was old and corroded. Cst. Fox did not charge me with any offence, but did however interrogate my girl friend Michelle MacDonald at her place of work that same day. Cst. Fox was bottom-phishing for information.

On or about December 20th, 2011, Ms. Sutter and Ms. Mosdell phoned the RCMP and attempted to have me arrested for assault. Cst. Berndsen arrived at my residence and began interrogating me. I reminded Cst. Berndsen of Part 1, Section 21.1 and 21.2 of the Criminal Code of Canada and informed him he was being recorded by one of the video cameras I have located around my property. After Cst. Berndsen noticed the camera, he “about-faced”, made a hasty exit towards the RCMP Suburban, and as he departed, he said: “I wasn’t here and didn’t see anything”.

I was not charged with assault, because there was no proof or evidence to support their claim against me. Ms. Sutter and Ms. Mosdell used fictitious allegations and false accusations. Reciprocally, Cst. Berndsen failed to charge Ms. Sutter or Ms. Mosdell for colluding together and coercing him to press false charges against me. Cst. Berndsen’s failure to perform his duties and arrest Ms. Sutter and Ms. Mosdell for violating the aforementioned sections of the C.C.C., clearly indicates his intention to protect Ms. Sutter and Ms. Mosdell and his involvement with their schemes to stalk, harass and bully me. Once they became aware of the camera’s on my property, their scandalous dirty tricks to have me arrested on false charges were foiled.

On or about March 5th, 2012, Ms. Kelly tried to run me down in her Jeep Cherokee while I was walking to the Post Office. I reported this attempt on my life with Cst. Berndsen, with 2 witnesses present at the McBride Trading Company. Cst. Berndsen’s failure to follow up with my first complaint against Ms. Kelly, when she verbally threatened to “kick my ass and kill me”, and his failure to follow up with my second complaint of Ms. Kelly’s attempt on my life, clearly indicates his intent to collude with the neighbours, cover-up and control their heinous crimes from public exposure, by deflecting attention of their malfeasance, guilt, fabricated false charges, discrediting, stalking, harassing and bullying. Cst. Berndsen, Ms. Kelly, Ms. Sutter, Ms. Mosdell, Mr. Goodkey and Cst. Fox believe, if they can force me to capitulate and submit to their dirty tricks, lies, set-ups and entrapment’s, that their guilt and crimes will be removed from the equation, and instead, transferred to me. These deceitful, coercive actions labelled as: bait and switch technique is criminally classified as character assassination, defamation, etc..

On June 19th, 2012, Cst. Berndsen entered my house alone, without a warrant, choked me, beat me and arrested me for Breach of Peace. Cst. Berndsen was acting on a 9-1-1 call placed by Ms. Kelly, who alleges I was screaming, acting crazy and firing rounds from a rifle in my backyard. There is no proof or evidence of Ms. Kelly’s fictional allegations. Cst. Berndsen, trespassed without a warrant in an effort to fabricate false charges, after realizing there was no evidence of a crime. Cst. Berndsen took it upon himself to take the law into his own hands. Cst. Berndsen did not have the lights flashing on the RCMP cruiser, did not follow procedure, did not have another RCMP member accompany him, nor did he knock on the door to announce his presence. Cst. Berndsen obviously didn’t want to be seen or noticed.

While cleaning the kitchen, after Ms. MacDonald and Mr. Wagner retired to their respective bedrooms, I noticed a flashlight shining in the front yard. Thinking there was a thief breaking into Mr. Wagner’s work truck stealing tools, I opened the front door to investigate and Cst. Berndsen entered my house.

Cst. Berndsen grabbed me by the throat, dragged me into the bedroom, threw me on the bed, scaring Ms. MacDonald to death, and threatened to beat me if I moved. Cst. Berndsen is formidably sized, standing approximately 6’6 and weighing approximately 250 lbs. Cst. Berndsen raided the entire house for anything he could find to incriminate me. Cst Berndsen needed to find anything he could get his hands on to support Ms. Kelly’s unsubstantiated, fabricated lies. Eventually, Cst. Berndsen found a pellet gun and confiscated it for evidence. This act of theft and asportation by Cst. Berndsen was needed to create evidence supporting Ms. Kelly’s fictitious claims.

After Cst. Berndsen obtained what he needed, he cranked his handcuffs around my wrists so tight they were bleeding. Cst Berndsen did this intentionally, tempting me to act out against him, so he could create more charges against me. Cst. Berndsen was aware he needed to force me to retaliate, because the Breach of Peace charge was false, fictional, fabricated with no proof, evidence or merit. Cst. Berndsen became frustrated when I didn’t retaliate in front of any witnesses during the arrest, to give him the excuse or alibi he needed to justify his actions.

Cst. Berndsen waited until we arrived at the RCMP Detachment, then proceeded to punch, choke, assault and beat me while I was handcuffed and defenceless. Cst. Berndsen thought the public wouldn’t see it, he wouldn’t get caught, as he was intentionally forcing a negative response or reaction, so he could fabricate further charges against me. During incarceration, Cst. Berndsen intentionally left the handcuffs on so I would suffer excruciating pain. Cst. Berndsen forced me to starve, freeze, suffer the incessantly loud noise of a 24hr. fan, the blinding of a 24hr. Spotlight and the inability to sleep for days during incarceration. These torture tactics are reminiscent of the same tactics used against prisoners at the former U.S.S.R’s Lubyanka prison.

Ultimately, Cst. Berndsen fabricated 3 additional charges after the Breach of Peace charge while I was incarcerated. Two (2) counts of Uttering Threats to Cst. Berndsen and One (1) count of mischief. Cst. Berndsen failed to explain that I broke any laws, while he covertly added on these additional charges.

I lodged a complaint against Cst. Berndsen with RCMP Commissioner Mr. Bob Paulson, sent correspondence on three (3) separate occasions for Mr. Paulson to reply. Mr. Paulson did not reply to any of my correspondence. By failing to reply, Mr. Paulson appears to be complicit with the actions of Cst. Berndsen.

Cpl. Kennedy, Cst. Berndsen’s friend, colleague and commanding officer, was tasked by the Commission for Public Complaints Against the RCMP to investigate the complaint against Cst. Berndsen. It is apparently obvious, throughout the investigations, Cpl. Kennedy is perpetuating the cover-up of Cst. Berndsen’s wrong-doing’s and has not answered, replied, refuted, rebutted, responded to any of my correspondence, statements or questions. Cpl. Kennedy, by his silence and refusal to cooperate with the investigations, failure to provide proof or evidence, follow procedure of law, due diligence or due process, clearly admits his involvement in the scandalous corruption.

At the first Court appearance, Crown Prosecutor Mr. Geoff McDonald immediately dropped the Breach of Peace charge, as it was apparently obvious there is no substantiating evidence to support the charge that was initially and intentionally used as a gateway to create and fabricate the additional charges. The decision to drop the Breach of Peace charge, clearly establishes the intent to use the charge as a gateway for set-ups and entrapment’s to ultimately fabricate additional charges.

The Court imposed a Recognizance of Bail against me. In the Recognizance of Bail, I was forced under house arrest and have no contact directly or indirectly with Ms. Kelly, Ms. Sutter or Ms. Mosdell. The Recognizance of Bail is a trap, set up preventing me from following due process and the procedure of law by requesting an Examination for Discovery from Ms. Kelly, Ms. Sutter and Ms. Mosdell who happen to be key Crown witnesses. The Crown doesn’t want me to investigate these witnesses on record. The Crown is not willing to follow the procedure of law or due process, because the hole they have dug is so deep, they need to do everything possible to cover it up.

The Court forced me to report to Bail Supervisor Ms. Cindy Ross, who was replaced by Ms. Leslie Currie. I requested Ms. Currie provide me with a Provisional Curfew Exemption, a document to allow me to travel and seek council, as there are no lawyers or Court Registry in McBride, and the Recognizance of Bail traps me under house arrest. Ms. Currie flatly refused to provide the Provisional Curfew Exemption. Ms. Currie’s abuse of power is an obvious indication she is willing to perpetuate the injustices, crimes and scandalous dirty tricks committed by a carefully orchestrated, sophisticated network colluding together.

Keeping me trapped in McBride has forced me to defend myself, prevented me from preparing a proper defence and provided another scheming opportunity for the Court, the RCMP and other key individuals to attempt further assassinations of my character. The Government of Canada has recently character profiled those who defend themselves in Court as: Domestic Terrorists. And Crown Prosecutor Geoff McDonald unabashedly goes out of his way to label me in this regard. Mr. McDonald has failed to provide any proof or evidence to substantiate this claim, yet, Mr. McDonald has gone so far as to send me an unsolicited letter claiming I am a “silly, ridiculous, absurd, paranoid terrorist that wastes everyone’s time.” Mr. McDonald, in his frustration, must lower himself to name calling, which should raise some serious public concerns, as the continuous defamation and character-assassination, on record, seems to be his only strategy for prosecution. Ad Hominem.

Mr McDonald has failed to provide the defence with any evidence or proof to substantiate the charges against me, after many requests from the defence. Mr. McDonald provided the defence with an Audio CD of my incarceration on June 19th, 2012. The CD was created, modified, spliced and edited on April 17th, 2012. The CD was transcribed by Ms. Teresa Caputo (Public Service Employee and Guard for the McBride RCMP). Ms. Caputo is not qualified as a certified Transcriber or Court Reporter. Ms. Caputo transcribed the alleged 9-1-1 calls made on June 19th, 2012 by Ms. Linda Kelly. These actions blatantly violate the Evidence Act. Crown Prosecutor Mr. Geoff McDonald’s only hope is creating fabricated evidence, colluding with the tightly-knit nefarious actors and following Nazi propaganda chief Joseph Goebbels when he spoke: “The ‘Big Lie’, no matter how outrageous, if repeated often enough, will eventually be accepted as truth.”

They are so desperate to cover up their mistakes and create further set-ups and entrapment’s, that Ms. Currie wrote my name, dated and signed a document entitled: Bail Reporting Agreement. The Agreement was written without my knowledge, and in this “Secret Agreement,” I am forced to report in person to the McBride RCMP Detachment before noon every Tuesday. According to Ms. Currie, during a recorded meeting we had on April 29th, 2012, I was forced to report to the RCMP Detachment every Tuesday and the time to report, according to Ms. Currie was “flexible.”

When Ms. Teresa Caputo presented me with a copy of the Secret Agreement on June 18th, 2013, I immediately phoned and wrote Ms. Currie and Ms. Caputo, demanding they confirm in writing, proof I received the Secret Agreement? How it was delivered to me? When it was delivered to me? How I received it? If I was aware of it? and if I signed it? Ms. Currie and Ms. Caputo failed to return my call or reply to my letters, and failed to provide the proof I requested. Ms. Currie and Ms. Caputo’s silence proves they could not provide the evidence I requested, proves this secret agreement was established as another set-up and entrapment device to create further charges, and proves Ms. Currie and Ms. Caputo are both colluding, and participating in the scandalous dirty tricks of manipulations and deceit.

On Tuesday June 25th, 2013, when I arrived at the McBride RCMP Detachment as scheduled, Cst. Berndsen opened the front door, invited me into the public lobby and proceeded to arrest me for Breach of Bail. The arrest was performed by Cst. Berndsen and Cpl. Kennedy. Their motive to arrest me is a retaliation for my complaint against Cst. Berndsen and their inability to force me to capitulate. Cst. Berndsen was recorded during the arrest saying: “You started it.”

During the arrest, under Cpl. Kennedy’s authority and complicity, Cst. Berndsen physically removed my shorts and underwear and forced me to stand naked in a public office. The malicious act performed by Cst. Berndsen and Cpl. Kennedy is amoral, degrading, disgraceful, undignified and a gross violation of privacy rights, leaving me feeling humiliated and imprinted with psychological anguish. Cst. Berndsen and Cpl. Kennedy’s sexual fantasies were intended to force me to act out, struggle and fight back, so they could fabricate further charges against me. These fantasies of Cst. Berndsen and Cpl. Kennedy are consistent with the Master/Slave mentalities of Sadomasochists. Cst. Berndsen and Cpl. Kennedy should be forced to undergo a psycho-sexual evaluation, considering these individuals regularly attend pre-school classes to local children in our community. On record, previous to this incident, I requested Mr. McDonald have Cst. Berndsen mentally evaluated by a accredited professional and Mr. McDonald refused. Mr. McDonald’s refusal, proves he is involved with the scandalous dirty tricks, collusion’s, manipulations, deceit, stalking, harassment’s, cover-ups and entrapment’s.

The Breach of Bail arrest was intended to incarcerate me in prison until trial, hinder any preparation of mounting a defence, eliminate my complaints from reaching the surface, and muzzle any further attempt I pursue that exposes the wrong-doings by the RCMP, Government Officials and their cohorts.

Their sneaky plan came to a grinding halt, as they weren’t prepared for the evidence I presented to Judge Weatherly the day I appeared in Court, in Prince George B.C., on June 26th, 2013. I explained to Judge Weatherly, I have a witness and video evidence that proves Ms. Currie did not present me with the “Secret Bail Agreement” that demanded I appear before noon every Tuesday at the McBride RCMP Detachment. Furthermore, I could prove Ms. Currie’s acceptance of the time I appear at the Detachment as “flexible” and I could have the evidence on his desk the following day.

Judge Weatherly did not demand the evidence or request me to provide it, as he obviously did not want the evidence on record, for the fact, it would create a huge embarrassment to the Canadian Judicial System. Judge Weatherly did not demand the requisite one thousand dollar ($1000.00) payment required when a person Breaches the Recognizance of Bail, for if he demanded payment, he would admit guilt of acquiescing with the individuals responsible for concocting the devious scheme. Ultimately, Judge Weatherly released me.

Immediately following my release, the Court forced me to report to a new Bail Supervisor, by the name of: Mr. Paul Weisbrodt. This change of Bail Supervisors, is due to the fact Ms. Currie became a weak link in the chain, and compromised my adversaries devious plans, to invent and fabricate new ways to shift the blame for their mistakes towards me. The bait and switch plan from victim to villain is nothing less than another attempt to discredit and defamate my character.

The Court forced me to report in person to the McBride RCMP Detachment between the hours of 9am and 12 noon every Tuesday. This time the “Bail Agreement” is actually on Court Record. The first Tuesday after this Agreement was assigned against me, I appeared at the Detachment, only to find the public entrance front door locked. An RCMP cruiser was parked on site and an RCMP Suburban was parked and running; the same vehicles used by Cst. Berndsen and Cpl. Kennedy. Nobody answered the door when I arrived and the telephone located on the outside of the Detachment was inoperable. Cst. Berndsen and Cpl. Kennedy locked the public entrance, disconnected the public phone to intentionally stifle any attempt for me to report according to the Recorded Bail Agreement.

This malicious and intentional action performed by Cst. Berndsen and Cpl Kennedy is another motivated attempt to arrest me for Breach of Bail. Their plan was foiled when I called the RCMP Detachment from a Government Office telephone, with a Government Employee present as a witness, as I demanded Cpl. Kennedy open the RCMP Detachment public front door and stop playing games that entrap me into another arrest.

As the corrupt individuals continue to perpetuate their crimes, they worry this matter will explode, becoming exposed as a huge public embarrassment, with the likelihood of various officials losing their jobs, due to the massive evidence disfavouring the Crown and the individuals colluding together in this highly organized, sophisticated, orchestrated network of nefarious actors. In a small town such as McBride B.C., nepotism runs thick as molasses all the way to the highest echelons of government, as this area happens to be the riding for the Provincial Minister of Justice. What has transpired since I complained about the malicious actions performed by my neighbours, has morphed into a massive character-assassination attempt, labelling me a Domestic Terrorist by Government officials, as they continue their attempt to subdue, subvert and suppress any opportunity for me to defend myself and expose their corruption and cover-ups. It is blatantly obvious, these individuals will stop at nothing to cover up their crimes and shift blame for their wrong-doing towards me.

Cst. Berndsen had no proof, evidence or just cause to arrest me. Yet, he took the law into his own hands and arrested me on false allegations, presumptions and fabrications, using the “phony” charge as a gateway to intentionally fabricate further charges. He maliciously initiated, instigated, and created a situation, under false pretences, using violence and torture to create further charges. The gateway charge was dropped, thus, the other charges should be dropped as well. But, the Government Officials, if exposed, realize the huge public embarrassment, so, they are doing everything in their power to muzzle this embarrassment from reaching the surface, by fabricating further charges such as the Breach of Bail and further character-assassination’s. That is one reason why they are trapping me as a prisoner in my home, preventing me from accessing the requisite resources to fight back and expose their injustices. Their other motive is hoping I go broke and submit, by preventing employment, destroying my profession, defamation of my character and control of my assets. It is time to blow the whistle on this Government corruption and the time is nigh.

**Update** October 10th, 2013. This story was written on July 31st, 2013 and I am in possession of verifiable proof with witnesses to substantiate my claim of the date this article is written. I had to post this story to further substantiate the comments made at the bottom of the previous paragraph, where I mention their attempts to control my assets and create further charges against me. The initial date of writing is July 31st, 2013.

Approximately two (2) weeks following the initial date of writing, the RCMP, Robson Valley Support Society’s employee Ms. Elizabeth de Vries (Cpl. Kennedy’s common law wife) colluded together with Ms. Michelle MacDonald (my ex-girlfriend) to have me arrested on two (2) falsely fabricated criminal charges. Plus, Cpl. Kennedy, Elizabeth de Vries and others aided and abetted Ms. MacDonald in the theft of my life’s savings, personal possessions, vehicle and the contents of two (2) home security safes, one of which was returned to my possession by Ms. MacDonald, who illegally broke into and emptied the contents with the help of her criminal associates. This evidence is verified by video(s) under the heading R. vs. White, at the top of this page. Not to mention the fact, I will be posting telephone conversations shortly, as evidence of when I called the RCMP to report the burglary and theft. And how the RCMP refused to open a file as they are complicit in the aiding and abetting of the burglary and theft.

Canada: Government & Corporations, Police Brutality and Murders

Fascism and Contemporary Canada: Police, Government & Corporations. by Robin Mathews.


By ©Robert Erickson

The incredible article highlighted above the Police brutality photo is Part Four (4) in a series of stories written by Robin Mathews concerning the roles played by the Canadian Government and RCMP policing services in Canada.

While reading the news article, you will notice my case IE: Robert Erickson Case RCMP Corruption Judicial Chicanery Small Town Nepotism near the half-way point in the story. I am just one of many Canadians who is being stone-walled in my effort to seek justice. Furthermore, the Lonnie Landrud Case is a horrific murder case and must be watched in a seven (7) part video series located under VIDEOS at the top of this page. It will shock and horrify you. Another shocking case is located under R. vs. Frost at the top of this site, revealing another murder not being investigated by the RCMP.

Our NUMBER ONE GOAL is getting this story and website spread like a virus to as many people as humanly possible. One voice will not be heard…but MANY VOICES WILL!!! Our founding fathers fought for justice and you must do the same to keep our liberty and freedom intact. I contacted Joseph Snook here and here. Mr. Snook is a reporter for the US Observer his email: ( joe@usobserver.com ) and phone number is ( 541-226-8235 ) and he advised me to contact “Edward” the US Observer’s head of investigations, at the following number: 541-474-7885.

When I contacted Edward, he informed me the US Observer requires a $retainer$ (same as lawyer), BUT he also informed me their newspaper occasionally takes on cases and stories PRO BONO (Free). So, The more people that contact the US Observer (en-mass) the more THESE STORIES have a chance to go public and be vindicated. I’m not asking you, I’m IMPLORING you to do everything in your power, sending a message that THE PEOPLE WILL NO LONGER TAKE THE ABUSES AND INJUSTICE but will STAND UP and be COUNTED or this and this and this is what will happen in our beloved country.  

It appears the RCMP is politicized, militarized, brutalized and deregulated, while the Federal Government and Provincial Government’s in concert with the RCMP, prevent full and legal action; proving that the RCMP violates the rule of law with impunity.

Reform that has been demanded publicly is all but ignored in the RCMP head offices in Ottawa. At the same time the present Conservative government demands more and more control of the Force, insisting, for instance, that all statements by the Commissioner are first vetted by cabinet. The aforementioned charge is proven, if you go to the top of this page under the heading R. vs. White and scroll though the evidence until you find (and read) all three (3) letters sent to the RCMP Commissioner Bob Paulson. NO REPLY or remedy was received by Commissioner Paulson on all three (3) attempts for Mr. Paulson to follow the Rule of Law and perform Due Diligence as  “top cop” seeking justice.

The evidence of a defunct and corrupt Canadian Justice System and Police System is irrefutable. The RCMP allegedly Swore and Oath to the Queen to Serve and Protect the people of Canada as Peace Officers. That is no longer the case. It appears the RCMP has Sworn an Oath to the Corporate controlled Government of Canada to Serve (by force) and Collect from the people of Canada as Enforcement Officers. You decide. Would you rather live in a Police State where the RCMP and Canadian Corporate Government is in control, or would you rather live in a Free and Prosperous Nation controlled by YOU. The time is nigh to decide, while you still have your Rights intact. Jackboots or Lumberjacks? That is the question.

Parts One through Three in the story by Robin Mathews below.

Fascism and Contemporary Canada Part 1 by Robin Mathews

Fascism and Contemporary Canada Part Two by Robin Mathews

Fascism and Contemporary Canada Part Three by Robin Mathews

Is Society Socially Programmed by Shadow Government? by ©Robert Erickson

By ©Robert Erickson

Or is human intelligence naturally degenerating according to Darwin’s Theory of Evolution? Could the cause be Social Engineering and Social Policy? Have a look at this….Intelligent Quotients Falling Around the World The following video speaks volumes.

The following article We Are Just Dumb describes how those in positions of power euphemistically use the “politically correct” term “smart” to precede categories unto which the powerful individuals seek to control and covet.

The articles contained in the following book: Psychology of Intelligence are based on reviewing cognitive psychology literature concerning how people process information to make judgements on incomplete and ambiguous information. The book studies how the human thought process builds its own models through which we process information, it is part of the natural functioning of the human cognitive process.

The process of analysis itself reinforces this natural function of the human brain. Analysis usually involves creating models, even though they may not be labelled as such. We set forth certain understandings and expectations about cause-and-effect relationships and then process and interpret information through these models or filters.

Too often, newly acquired information is evaluated and processed through the existing analytic model, rather than being used to reassess the premises of the model itself. The detrimental effects of this natural human tendency stem from the raison d’etre of an organization created to acquire special, critical information available only through covert means, and to produce analysis integrating this special information with the total knowledge base.

How many times have we encountered situations in which completely plausible premises, based on solid expertise, have been used to construct a logically valid forecast with virtually unanimous agreement that turned out to be dead wrong?

In how many of these instances have we determined, with hindsight, that the problem was not in the logic but in the fact that one of the premises however plausible it seemed at the time was incorrect?

In how many of these instances have we been forced to admit that the erroneous premise was not empirically based but rather a conclusion developed from its own model (sometimes called an assumption)?

And in how many cases was it determined after the fact that information had been available which should have provided a basis for questioning one or more premises, and that a change of the relevant premise(s) would have changed the analytic model and pointed to a different outcome?

The commonly prescribed remedy for shortcomings in intelligence analysis and estimates, most vociferously after intelligence “failures” is a major increase in expertise. Data shows that expertise itself is no protection from the common analytic pitfalls that are endemic to the human thought process.

A review of notorious intelligence failures demonstrates that the analytic traps caught the experts as much as anybody. Indeed, the data show that when experts fall victim to these traps, the effects can be aggravated by the confidence that attaches to expertise both in their own view and in the perception of others.

These days, everywhere you turn, you find increasing numbers of self proclaimed experts. Some of these “experts”  are in the field of Psychology and Psychiatry. Information and expertise are a necessary but not sufficient means of making intelligence analysis the special product that it needs to be.

A comparable effort has to be devoted to the science of analysis. This effort has to start with a clear understanding of the inherent strengths and weaknesses of the primary analytic mechanism—the human mind—and the way it processes information. In the world at large, substantive expertise is far more abundant than expertise on analytic science and the human mental processing of information. 

In the following article, False Assumptions Inferring with Caution an eye-opening observation in relation to assumptions and premise, and the false counterparts that accompany them, are used dangerously in today’s society. Inference and final conclusions that set’s precedence guiding the direction of society is a tight-rope walked by many who hold high profile “expert” positions such as politicians, judges, lawyers and doctors. These positions undoubtedly have a tendency to shape future outcomes of foreign and domestic policy to control society at large. The control mechanisms used by the aforementioned positions of power has proved on many occasions to be detrimental; especially when power is placed in the wrong hands for wrong reasons.

Dr. Laurie Roth, who holds a PhD in counseling and mental health, wrote this article: The Psychotics in Power are Calling Us Mentally Ill proving tactics and control mechanisms used by those who abuse power. It appears, when those in positions of power feel threatened of losing their power by those who elected them into the position, they revert to attacking the hand that feeds them like a rabid dog, applying character-assassination labels, profiles and defamation under false assumptions, false premise and false pretense. The sociopath and psychopath power mongers slip into denial when confronted with their malady and prefer to “spin doctor” the facts, flip the proverbial coin and point the finger at the finger pointed at them. This tactic is classic Standard Operating Procedure, where one could use the old cliche: “The cat calling the kettle black”.

The consistency and pattern forming aspects are seen once again here: Lawyer- 20 More Cases Similar to Brandon Raub Ongoing. This article is another example of ongoing attempts by those who abuse power, to character-profile anyone who stands up for accountability; be classified a Domestic Extremists who allegedly suffer a stigmatic “mental illness/disease” based on false diagnosis, assumption, premise and pretense, which is nothing more than another character-assassination attempt to shift blame.

The following article Beware the Psychopath confirms on many levels, the opinions shared by many people around the planet. It’s not hard to comprehend the issues that society faces, which are brought up in the article. Moreover, it’s not hard to comprehend the reasons why the present situation continues to this day, when one has no further to look by reading: Memoirs of Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds by Charles Mackay

False presumptions and premises create ‘new truths’ and ‘new realities’ for the masses to believe via media control. The consequences of those who harness the media either in virtuous, deceitful or devious ways are likely to experience different results and satisfactions. Access to media outlets without authentication by historical, linguistic and verifiable unyielding bedrock, universal knowledge and truths become the new sources of multi-layered illusions and very compromising (confusing) forgeries into the present and future minds of people controlled by what they believe according to opinions or beliefs of others – unsubstantiated except for the “new foundations” of truth based on continuous, contiguous events and illusion invented.

Mind Control

Consequently, it ought not be surprising to observe newly arising controversies, conflicts, prejudices, discrimination, biases, interferences or disturbances to family systems or relationships, etc., when there is a constant, continuous supply of newly created sub-sets of designer cultures (fads, fashions, intrinsically built-in dynamic obsolescence) that previously did not exist before, with increasing and never ending thirsts for demanding rights and privileges under modern laws that have moved away from from bedrock foundations of humanity and fundamental humanitarian values, virtues, principles or natural human satisfactions.

Interestingly enough, these conflicts, policies, politics, trends, disappearing and emerging cultures, psychological, social and religious-church-state-divides have a huge impact on people, individuals, their personalities, the masses and humanity from natural humanitarian origins, particularly from clandestine historical references and future perspectives.

The questions people do not ask are: What is the purposes of these continuous disappearing and emerging trends? Why do they exist and why are they continuously created?

Many people awakening to these major dynamics are increasingly no longer held fast to assertions or claims that certain realities continue to exist, but rather are referencing many avenues of false claims promoted to be the truths. The exception might be for those who find more solace or comfort in not wanting know the answers or are fearful to ask such questions.

Public opinion shaped by mass media, disenfranchised or disorganized media, though, falls into the trap of these promotions, by which becomes the standard or divergent reference points of conflict for the ebb and flow of reality. Continuous media scrums are now the norm in the domains of politics, law, social relations, family values, religion, psychology, psychiatry, education, parenting, medicine, pharmaceuticals, public policy, gender relations, etc.

Yet in the fields of engineering, computers, hi-tech communications, technology, mathematics, physics, science, philosophy, etc., many (perhaps most) universal truths of the past still prevail and with very little attention paid to the unprecedented gargantuan projects and developments on the planet, employing highly educated, intelligent or skilled workers with few disgruntle feelings. Again, nobody is asking why activities in these sectors in these magnitudes go relatively unnoticed or talked about in the media.

Central to messes created by unnatural means if people can accept such realities, or for those who prefer not too, it really does not matter. Instead, pursuit of virtue, happiness, satisfaction, joy, quality-of-life, meaning, future hopes, dreams, truth and realities are all up for grabs. Ultimately it is up to the individual to set and steer a course for themselves, but be accountable to others on how they are perceived. As a consequence of those who do not act upon their personal initiative to create a future with meaning, value to others including themselves, are likely to remain immersed in a psychologically, if not psycho-pathologically ‘messy’ herd mentality of opinion, gossip, beliefs, illusions or façades, having the ‘designer effect’ of producing emotionally twisted mentalities with a net effect of perpetual torment, hence; diminished or no value to themselves or others.

“In a world of illusions, perception is everything.”

Acting “responsibly” under the honorable administrations of international laws, jurisdictions and authorities, a truth can prevail so long it is true, based on accurate, verifiable evidence of material facts, because anti-libel laws, now in existence for many (most) countries, can prevent false truths from cancelling or discrediting the real truths. However, without acknowledgement of these realizations and moving forward on such applications and practice of responsible journalism and communications, individuals can have their personal integrity called into question.

According to Dennis L. Cuddy PhD, Social Programming and Counter Intelligence factions such as the Tavistock Social Engineering Institute, and Chairman of Applied Social Research, Mr A. Kenneth Rice, who represents the Institute’s study into the dynamics of leadership and authority relations in groups; shows us the unrelenting psychological and sociological attacks against civilian society by creating Authoritarian Followers amongst other sick, twisted public control mechanisms.

Tavistock Social Engineering

Totalitarian State Mind Control is another example of behavioral control over society. Aldous Huxley – The Doors Of Perception is the follow-up to the CIA MkUltra drug culture erupting onto the scene in the ’60’s and ’70’s. But that is not the beginning or “roots” of societal mind control culture of drug use coming into effect. The book below called Dope Inc. should “blow” your mind (pun intended).

Dope Inc-Britains Opium War Against the World

Dope Inc.-Britain’s Opium War Against the U.S. 1978 The 1978 Book Edition is chock full of empirical information regarding the drug trade, money laundering, mind control culture, the perpetrators and their agenda, along with banking cartels control over world banking systems and corrupt governmental establishments. An incredibly good read!!!

In the following article, Wake up Democracy IS Socialism Dummy I found references within it as subtle as a club that brings a whole new meaning to “Wake Up”. The author J.B. Williams references one of America’s enemies as “The Useful Idiot” and is described as the person who “means well but is just as dangerous, dumbed down beyond the point of recognizing and understanding even the most fundamental truths. This is the proletariat…who know not, what they do.”

I believe the gist of what Mr. Williams has presented is a bold description of the undereducated “working class” who make up the greater portion of the population. The disgruntled writer brings forth some interesting political subjects, albeit I believe he has missed the mark when he makes the following quote: “Corporations didn’t run this country into the ground, our federal government did.” For the most part though, he does a good job to rally the troops. For educational purposes and in relation to the immediate subject at large, I found it appropriate to attach the Communist Manifesto

This controversial piece of literature has throughout history destroyed culture, nation, people, families and ultimately….lives. It is classic “divide and conquer” material and is set in place to swing the pendulum from the far right fascist/authoritarian to the far left communist/totalitarian regimes. Just take a look back in history at the Bolshevik Revolution for a glimpse at the mess created. The pendulum must stop it’s perpetual motion to and fro, come to a standstill, find balance and therefor set-up entirely new concepts in motion.

The diabolical Hegelian Dialectic is, in my understanding, a complete impossibility. It’s system is boiled down to the following concept and equation being…The Hegelian dialectical formula: A (thesis) versus B (anti- thesis) equals C (synthesis). It is at this juncture, I must introduce the fact that causality is undefinable and wish to dig deeper into this subject.

Causality is Undefinable Toward a Theory of Hierarchical Definability and Causality is Undefinable is an intellectual work by Professor Lofty A. Zadeh of UCal, Berkeley. Professor Zadeh’s study involves Fuzzy Logic. The Hegelian Dialectic construct of A versus B equals C, stands in my opinion, as a thought process without a concise answer. Whereas, if A is undefinable and B is undefinable, then logic stands to reason that C is undefinable as well.

By combining the thought processes of the left hemisphere of the brain (logic) and the right hemisphere of the brain (creative), in effect, should create profound solutions to both A and B, without having to conjure up the “Third Way” paradigm of eliminating A and B by introducing C. Essentially, the Hegelian Dialectic never at any time even considered A or B, and was intended all along to implement Plan C. Thus, the Socialist/Communist introduction of Hegelian Dialectics is nothing less than a complete failure. When you hear the trigger words and expressions such as “for the greater good”, “politically correct” or “consensus”, just remember that your “right wing”” voice (A), or your neighbors “left wing” voice (B) was never at any time considered.

In conclusion, regarding a vast subject such as this, it has come to my opinion, through many years of research and education that the old cliche: “Truth is in the eye of the beholder” is the axiom which is clandestinely used by the Power Elite to control the masses. In a world of lies, deceit and illusions, it becomes imperative to discern what appears to be the truth with a careful and keen onlooking eye. Honestly, I truly would like to delve into this subject matter further by discussing Noetic Science The Cause and Effect Theory and examining P.D. Ouspensky’s book “The Fourth Way”. As a kind gesture, for your perusal I have included the full edition to read here: The Fourth Way by P.D. Ouspensky Enjoy.